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WEEK 1A- My Template

I chose the blog template that I did because I really enjoyed the simplicity of it. Coral is also one of my favorite colors, so it is pleasant for me to look at. The contrast between the background and the the coral color is appealing, as well.

I like that the title of the overall blog is big, bold and in capital letters. This helps to bring attention to it so you know who's blog you are reading. It also helps to differentiate it from the rest of the text. Once this blog post is submitted, there will also be the coral text box around it. This will help add a little more color and separation to the blog.

Once I have the chance to play around with the layout a bit, I will really make it into my own. I saw the option to add a little profile, so that is one section I plan to explore. I am excited to see how much I will learn with this blog.


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